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EU Policy Lab

Behavioural insights

Brain to understand choices and behaviours

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Behavioural insights (14)

Showing results 1 to 10
picture of plasting floating in the wind hiding a person standing on a wall
  • News article

Our regular readers may remember the launch of our ambitious design and behavioural insights projects aiming to Harmonising waste sorting labels across the EU ( And we’ have been busy.

  • 4 min read
EU Policy Lab tags
  • Design for policy
  • Behavioral insights
  • News article

Are humans using artificial intelligence better at making unbiased choices? Is it enough to have humans oversee AI decisions to ensure fair and balanced decisions are being made? If yes, how? What does it take for systems to be trustworthy and fair?

  • 4 min read
EU Policy Lab tags
  • Design for policy
  • Behavioral insights
red blood cells floating behind a magenta background
  • News article

Every drop of blood has the potential to save a life. In the EU, blood donation plays a vital role in providing healthcare systems with the resources they need to treat patients and offer hope for recovery.

  • 3 min read
EU Policy Lab tags
  • Behavioral insights
picture of plasting floating in the wind hiding a person standing on a wall
  • News article

Making waste sorting more effective: A participatory design and behavioural science approach to developing harmonised waste sorting labels for the EU.

  • 6 min read
EU Policy Lab tags
  • Behavioral insights
  • Design for policy